viernes, 14 de noviembre de 2014


Around 20 years ago, the Internet had a BOOM related with communication. Now days this has become an essential part of life; people has the need of having internet in their homes, either is for Academic, Professional, or Communication purposes.

The use of devices has grown exponentially too, in the families, kids of 13 or 14 years old already has smartphones, personal laptops, tablets etc. In this article we are going to focus on this technology how can we take advantage of this devices and internet, and how can we apply it in the process Teaching/Learning so that students can develop in a better way their skills.

Information and Communication Technology (ICT) can contribute to universal access to education, equity in education, the delivery of quality learning and teaching, t eachers’ professional development and more efficient education management.

Worldwide research has shown that ICT can lead to improved student learning and better teaching methods


1‧ Images can easily be used in teaching and improving the retentive memory of students.

2‧ Teachers can easily explain complex instructions and ensure students' comprehension.

3‧ Teachers are able to create interactive classes and make the lessons more enjoyable, which could improve student attendance and concentration (More info here)

Integrating ICT into education seems to be a necessary issue for educators / education administrators in the world. However, if teachers cannot make good use of the ICT tools, the money and time spent on  is going to be a waste. Also, if the educational budget is limited, looking for a cost-effective and high-performance ICT tool can be the first priority

14 comentarios:

  1. It's important to be familiar with technology, because now days, kids use it for everything, i think that in 10 or 20 years, our students are going to breath, even eat technology.

  2. For me, technology helps me a lot in the classroom. Power point presentations, images, vidos and audios are way ore interesting for students than just writing in a board or using printed images, etc. The only thing about internet and technology that I don´t like much is that my students constantly get distracted :c

  3. Is very important now in this days the technology, and is very useful for example for presentations or watching videos with educational purposes of course. etc...

  4. Technology now days is very useful for teachers and students as well, it helps us by having a quick answer and it has proved that students pay more attention with blended classes because its something different and not just traditional teaching, there are also disadvantages as well by students having their own laptop or cellphone that might distract them and keeping their atention away, very interesting information now days we can't be without technology..

  5. great article, I agree and I know that is very helpfull to use technology not only for the teache but also for the students because they are relly related with technology but I dont really like the idea of use technology with young chilldren because they get distracted easily.

  6. I like your article, I agree that internet, electronic devices and technologies have become essential for life nowadays and there are many useful uses we can give to these tools.

  7. Sofia I agree with you, as future teachers we should learn the importance of this tools to apply what we know in a class and help the students learn.

  8. Im totally agree, technology is now the most important tool for students and teachers , as a student i can say that technology and also the internet is the principal priority in my classes. On the other hand technology in 10 year more is gonna be bigger and we will depend even more of it.

  9. I really liked your article and I agree with you. I believe that there are many advantages when using technology in the classroom but, there is one huge disadvantage, which is that students get easily distracted in the clasclassroom, maybe in the future we will find a way to eliminate this disadvantage.

  10. Great article Carlos! Technology has become a part of our life and its uses in education are great!

  11. I can't imagine my life without technologies, so I'm pretty sure that I will use ICT in my classes as much as possible.
    Good article Carlos.

  12. this article is very interesting because technology is very helpful for everybody.

  13. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  14. I agree that nowadays technology is playing an important role in education. Really good article Carlos.
